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glock label colors

Glock Label Colors - The United States was built for export purposes. Check out my article on case sticker colors - what do they mean? - Glock collector

Hrt4me said: well then not really collectible... Click to expand... Collectible if you mean they are usually sold in the US. The Mariner is at least visually recognizable thanks to the laser engraving of 'MARINER' on the slide.

Glock Label Colors

Glock Label Colors

I must be tired, at first I read, "Why do green labels usually explode...". Goodnight everyone.

Glock Pi4350202 43 9mm Blue Label Handgun With Fixed Sights

Hrt4me said: View attachment 980145 Click to expand... I believe that means export? I'm sure some of the more experienced Glockers will have an answer

DANGW said: Green labels were approved at the label store. Click to expand... What is a tag store??? And no, they are international exports as stated above.

For Gen 4 and later, all pistols come with 3 magazines regardless of color designation. The exception to this are the slimlines, which come with two magazines.

StainlessStan said: I have a white label 19 cutaway, FYI gen3, 15 rd mag Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Click to expand... Of the 16 different boxes I have, they all have white or orange labels.

Dryfiremag For Glock* 10/45

StainlessStan said: My 19 is white label, FYI gen3, 15th mag sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Click to expand... Weapon markings are useful, cuts are mostly white...

Cereal_killer said: and blue labels. View attachment 982991 Click to expand... cereal_killer said: Blue labels too. View attachment 982991 Click to expand... Dang. I don't see the cut out blue sticker on the SKU card. Send me a picture if you want...

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Glock Label Colors

Glock 20 blue label, glock blue label program, glock 42 blue label, glock blue label distributors, glock 23 blue label, glock 21 blue label, glock 27 blue label, glock colors, glock purple label, glock 34 blue label, glock blue label prices, glock blue label

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